Christmas carols

Christmas is never complete without Christmas carols and this year uabians welcomed children from Kha Wal Chan Blind School for carol singing at uab Tower @Times City and at the uab Times City Flagship Store.

We are thankful for the joy that the children brought to us through their singing and their presence – little things such as travelling on the lift to the Levels 21, 22 and 23 to sing fascinated them whilst their talented voices stirred out hearts.

Of course, Santa was there to entertain us together with a number of other children and family members of uabians who joined us at this time.

Christmas is also never complete without giving and uab foundation made a donation towards the School. Individual staff members and customers from Times City also contributed with gifts to the children. We are also grateful for the volunteers who gave their time and effort to organise, accompany the children from the School and take care of them whilst at uab Tower.

Some of the handicraft from the School which are the product of the children will be also available for sale at the uabpay Bazaar over the Christmas period.

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