Sustainability / ကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏ကတိကဝတ်

Leading the way towards a better Myanmar, humanising banking, connecting people, creating opportunities and changing lives

We define the term “Sustainability” as economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Board Statement on Sustainability

The Board is firmly committed to the principles of responsible banking, fully aware of the pivotal role that a sustainable business approach endorses in shaping the Bank’s long-term success and equally the success of its Stakeholders.
We prioritise economic, environmental, and social considerations, including issues like climate change and human rights, in the diverse communities and markets where we operate. These fundamental principles strengthen our comprehensive approach, from risk assessment in business transactions to the development of innovative products and services, the management of our operations and supply chain, and our dedication to meet and exceed the expectations of our diverse group of stakeholders.
Our commitment further extends to our adherence to regional, national, and international environmental and social standards, all of which are distinctly applicable to our business operations and services. We are dedicated to upholding the principles in the UN Global Compact, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UNEP Statement of Commitment by Financial Institutions on Sustainable Development, the Equator Principles, and other applicable emerging standards. Furthermore, we aim to contribute actively to the realisation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, reinforcing our commitment to a more sustainable and equitable environment for all.

Aligning our business and sustainability goals

uab bank recognizes that our bottom-line success depends on the well-being and prosperity of our clients and employees, and of the communities and environment in which we live and work. As a purpose-driven company, creating a positive social impact, not just an economic one, is integral to everything that we do. It is fundamental to our business philosophy and is at the very heart of our corporate citizenship approach

We begun the process to align our business and sustainability goals since 2019. A number of targets have been set to reach to these goals by 2024 and they are reviewed annually.  

To prioritize the various business and sustainability goals, we engage with various stake holders and focus on material issues that are relevant to them.  

Various sections of this website page will highlight the strategies and actions that have been adopted.  

Sustainability Office: George Koshy ([email protected])

Read our Sustainability Report here: